reviewhub is a web application that supports two central processes in your documentation cycle:
Creation and management of change requests
Start by uploading a manual – e. g. from the Content Management System XR – to the portal. Users can then attach change requests as comments to any paragraph, image, graphic image, chapter, etc. Graphics or longer texts are added to the change object as attachments. Change requests can be discussed between authorized parties and ultimately approved or declined. The complete discussion history is permanently stored and retrievable at any stage.
Review and approval of documents by internal and extermanl reviewers
You then republish the manual revised on the basis of the change requests on reviewhub. Changed chapters or sections are clearly marked, as are the implemented changes. Depending on authorization, reviewers can add additional comments, approve or reject the changed chapters or sections.
»Optimize your Work with Optimal Solutions.«
Annik Hartmann | Senior Technical Editor
reviewhub at a glance
iiRDS support: Reviewing and approving of iiRDS-based packages and common XML formats
Simple, web-based configuration of rights, users and groups directly on the administration portal
Full text search and filtering through all or individual documents
Collaborative discussion and review of documents
Effective filtering by comment status simplifies finding and navigating through relevant comments
Your benefits
Put an end to change requests via telephone, eMail, paper, PDF or even door-to-door shouts. Replace them with a central, easy-to-use web-based component.
Central administration and permanent storage ensures complete traceability of all processes: who recommended which change and when, who accepted or rejected it and who went on to implement it in the documents?
Do away with approval processes via PDF or paper
Highly efficient: Find changed or revisable areas quickly and easily. Only the changed sections require approval. All others are merely displayed. Once all sections are approved, the entire manual is approved
Traceability: The system permanently stores who has approved which sections (during which revision)
The easiest route for you to reach your customers and service staff. Just a click of your mouse to automatically transfer your data offline, onto th eWeb or apps via predefined channels.
Tailored concepts, requirement-oriented specifications and a process-compliant system structure lets you successfully conclude each and every one of your projects.
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Note: For reasons of improved readability, the generic masculine form is used in the German-language version of this website. This form shall be understood to be gender-neutral.